Cars emissions fuel is one of many causes of global warming and it’s the important one. The reason of that is that the raise of number of cars which mean more carbon dioxide burnt in the air. Carbon dioxide is produced when fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas are burned this gas collects light and heat, produced by the sun, and this makes the earth warmer. One way to reduce those emissions is to have more fuel-efficient cars. It’s harmful but less than the original fuel.
i realy enjoy your site. i want to know if there is any slution that the UAE did it to reduce the affect of global warming?
What you say is probably true. However, some sentences have been said before by someone else. For example, the International Herald Tribune carried the exact wording of your last two sentences in its news article of April 4, 2007. Why did you plagiarize?
Correction--your second to last sentence is the one I question. Here I have cut and pasted from the International Herald Tribune article:
"Carbon dioxide is produced when fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas are burned. One way to reduce those emissions is to have more fuel-efficient cars."
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